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Bill and Hillary Clinton tap into their money men for Biden’s battle against Trump

President Biden is adding to his campaign war chest, thanks to help from the Clintons.

The president’s 2024 re-election campaign says Biden hauled in $8.1 million at a fundraiser where he was joined by former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State and former Sen. Hillary Clinton, who was the Democrats’ 2016 standard-bearer.

The fundraiser took place in McLean, Virginia, an upscale community in the suburbs of the nation’s capital, at the home of former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime friend and adviser to the Clintons.

Well-known author John Grisham, known for his best-selling legal thrillers, also attended the event.

In his comments at the fundraiser, Biden took aim at former President Trump, his GOP challenger in their 2024 election rematch.

He once again labeled Trump a ‘convicted felon,’ as the president pointed to Trump’s 34 felony convictions last month in the first criminal trial ever in the nation’s history of a former or current president.

‘Democracy is on the ballot this year,’ Biden emphasized.

The fundraiser was held three days after Biden set a new Democratic Party fundraising record, as he hauled in over $30 million at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles with former President Obama, Hollywood heavyweights George Clooney and Julia Roberts, and late night TV talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.

The Biden campaign highlighted that Tuesday’s fundraiser in northern Virginia, Saturday’s gala, and a fundraiser in California last Friday headlined by first lady Jill Biden, combined raked in over $40 million.

Biden has the lead over Trump in overall fundraising, but the former president has been working to close the gap. In April, Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) for the first time, raised more than the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). 

Trump’s campaign announced a week and a half ago that it and the RNC hauled in a stunning $141 million in May, fueled in part by the former president’s guilty verdicts in his recently concluded criminal trial. The Biden campaign and the DNC have yet to announce their June fundraising figures.

Trump’s team also touted that they hauled in roughly $27.5 million during a fundraising swing by the former president in California and Nevada last week.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

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